Monday, 3 December 2012

Using Electronic Whiteboards in Your Classroom: Benefits

  1. The interactive electronic whiteboard is great for demonstrations....
  2. The interactive electronic whiteboard is a colorful tool. Research indicates that students respond to displays where color is employed...
  3. The board can accommodate different learning styles...
  4. All ages of students respond favorably to board use...
  5. Distance learning is an excellent setting for interactive whiteboard use...
  6. One-computer classrooms can maximize the use of limited computer access...
  7. The interactive whiteboard is an excellent tool for the constructivist educator...
  8. The boards are clean and attractive tools...
  9. Students with limited motor skills can enjoy board use...
  10. It is interactive...
  11. It can interface well with other peripherals....
  12. The board is great for meetings are lessons where the participants need printed copies...
  13. It is a kid magnet! ...
Secondary site on the use of Information Learning Technologies provides anecdotal evidence of the impact of electronic whiteboards

  • Learners show increased motivation and enjoy the interaction the technology offers 
  • It makes the subject come alive 
  • It captures the attention of learners 
  • It encourages the involvement of learners in the subject 
  • It enables tutors to use multimedia resources and the internet with a whole class

What is Smart School?

     The Smart School is an educational institution with emphasis on thinking-enabled learning, student-centered, using technology and multimedia wisely, applying teaching-learning strategies appropriately and effective school management in order to create a meaningful as well as effective schooling and learning environment.

     To jump-start the establishment of smart schools, the Ministry of Education appointed the Telekom Smart School consortium to design, develop and prepare a smart school solution package. The smart school solution package includes ICT-enabled learning courseware for Bahasa Malaysia, English, Science and Mathematics. The first series of courseware was used in 90 primary and secondary smart schools in 2000. Presently, the whole courseware package has been distributed to all Smart Schools in Malaysia.

    The Smart School Projects is one of the Flagship Applications of the Multimedia Super Corridor. This school is created based on several objectives based on Malaysia’s National Philosophy of Education. The objectives are as follows:

  1. To produce a thinking and technology-literate workforce. It means, our government would like to have young generations who have ability to think creatively and critically.
  2. To democratize education.
  3. To increase participation of stakeholders.
  4. To provide all-round development of the individual.
  5. To provide opportunities to enhance individual strengths and abilities.
     The efforts made by our government should be appreciated but at the same time, there are several barriers found in implementing technology use in Smart School.
1. Computer Problems.
The number of computers is limited and some of the computers are old-fashioned. The teachers always complain about this matter and sometimes, this situation hampers the teaching and learning process? Can we afford to lose hours in order to overcome this problem? Let’s think about it.

2. Internet Problems.
Smart School requires a high speed internet connection and some of the students complained about the condition of the internet connection in Smart School. Sometimes, ‘it was fast’, ‘it was so slow’ and even worst ‘it jammed’. What would happen if there is no electricity? How can the students use the computer? Next question is; what would happen if there are thunderstorms? Of course, the teachers will instruct the students to turn off the computer for their own safety later.

3. Time constraints and time consumption
The students only have 1 hour and 10 minutes to use a computer in school. The teachers must be there at least 10 minutes earlier in order to make sure everything in prepared to be used in the classroom. The students always take their own sweet time to move from one class to another class. These scenarios consume a lot of time and of course, it wastes the teacher as well as the students’ time.

Apart from these three, what are the other problems in terms of implementation technology use in Smart School? What are the recommendations in order to overcome these barriers?

STELLA (story of Pendulum)

REPORT STELLA (Story of Pendulum)

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Overall Reflection of ICT

Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), is a subject that exposed the students to the ICT which are common used in our daily life. However, there are some of the ICT that are very new to me for instance the used of the Interactive Whiteboard, Simulation by using STELLA Software, editing picture by using PAINT, create a simple video by using Video Maker. Apart from that, I also learn how to make the blog and utilize it well. In this subject, I used the blog to upload the assignments, reflections, and also the link that showed that I followed my friends.

Besides, there are many other things that I can do with the blog and this allowed me to explore the blog and make it fully function throughout this subject. Throughout this subject, I also learnt how to used the data logger which are actually make our life much more easier to get the data used especially in the experiment. I feel fun and enjoy the used of data logger since it give the accurate and automatically save the data record during the experiment.

Moreover, this subject also introduced me to the simulation and modelling which are sometimes I think that are common to me since I take minor Physics so there are a lot of simulation and modelling used to explain some of the process involved, however, when I do some finding on what are actually the simulation and modelling there are some different and now I understand it much better.

So, as the conclusion, throughout this subject there are many of ICT applications that are some new and some are common to me. Therefore, this subject are very beneficial to me since I can apply all the ICT applications when I posting to the school and start my work as a teacher.

Reflection Interactive Whiteboard

Smart board

Smart board is a type of ICT application which are fun and enjoy when using it. Sometimes, we also called the smart board as the Interactive Whiteboard. Actually, I ever used this smart board when I was in semester 1, in Mathematics subject. The lecturer introduced this smart board to the class but we do not fully utilize the used of the smart board except when we were presenting the assignment.

Therefore, when I was told that throughout this subject I will used the smart board and have to fully utilize it function, I feel so excited and eager to used it. From my point of view, I noticed that, this smart board are beneficial since there are so many thing that we can do including playing the game but it is still the game that based on knowledge.

When the whole class were asked to make used of the smart board every time we do the presentation, myself, I feel like I had help myself to build in or to inculcate the confident much higher when using the smart board. Since, this smart board is new to me to utilize and get used to it make me feel that my confident level is low, thus throughout this subject I can help myself to increase my confident level when facing with the new thing or new environment,

As the closure, the used of this Interactive Smart board is very fun and give a lot of beneficial to me. Indirectly, I may able to increase my confident level during my presentation.

Modeling & Simulation


Data Logging

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

National Philosophy of Education

Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually. emotionally an physically balanced and harmonious based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed   to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and the nation at large. detail National Philosophy of Education

My Teaching Philosophy

    My ambition want to be a great teacher but I always think how GREAT I want to be???? Who’s my mentor? What’s I must achieve before teaching my student? If I want my student excellent, I must excellent first. I must be their role model, because as a student, they spend half from their time in school per day. Actually I have my own role model at my secondary school. My ‘Bahasa Malaysia’  teacher’s. She is a fierce teacher but may be from her experience   she needs to be like that. From that she had proceeded excellent student. Now, I think why my teacher so fierce. The only one she wants her student to be a great person for their future.

     Actually, I wrote my initial philosophy while taking education course at UPSI. Although my philosophy on teaching changed, some things have remained the same. These changed are due to the experience and learning process how to be a teacher. Community always say teacher is a easier career. Going to school, teaching process and coming back, working half day, so many school holiday but they never put themselves on the responsibility as a teacher. How easier they can? Actually, as a teacher not easier like a word. The responsibility on their shoulder too valuable. Always thinks how to overcome students problem not only one class but  each student, times with two or three classes the teacher needs to handle. Thus, why I want to be a teacher if I know it’s not the easier work???

     The only one I love teaching. I want to teach all background of students at urban area and also rural area. I know the challenge of course too much difference but all that depending on me how to face it. As a teacher I need to prepared and passion, regardless of my subject of interest, I should be passionate about my future profession as well as organized and skilled in the art of teaching.

     Teaching, in my mind, is about making a difference in the lives of others. My goal as a science teacher is not to make biologists, astronauts, or doctors out of each and every one of my students, or to create them in my image, rather, it is to help them realize their own potential through the learning and modeling that will go on inside and outside my classroom. I hope to nurture the critical, imaginative thinking and working skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives. In my classroom, students will learn to respect and appreciate nature and science, and they will see the world around them slightly differently than how they did before being in my class. This learning and modeling will take many distinct shapes and forms, but in the end I hope my students will leave my classroom feeling good about themselves feeling like they have learned something a new fact, a new idea, a new question.

     I want all of my students to feel that they can learn and do science. This is a challenging goal of mine as a science teacher, and in order to accomplish this, I believe the most important personal characteristic I can have is to be supportive of all my students, to show that I am interested in their lives as well as their education.I hope to be a genuine teacher, real, and embracing of all my students. So long as my students feel that I care for them as individuals, they will feel good about themselves and about their potential to learn and do science. Personal relationships with my students will be very important, and I will be human and caring while modeling the skills and the application of knowledge and thinking that I wish they too will cultivate.

     As a science teacher, I will be committed to lifelong learning and will attempt to instill a desire and appreciation for learning in my students. I will demonstrate an innate desire to learn, to examine, and grow as a person. I will not only have an undying respect for my profession as a teacher, but I will also respect and be moved by the subject I teach. Because I already have a passion for the natural sciences, this should be evident in my enthusiasm for all subjects. I will show that I have a great desire to teach, explore, promote lifelong learning, to inquire, and to try new things. I will involve my students as much as possible in concrete, active learning experiences.

     As a science teacher I will demonstrate mastery of the content I teach, constantly study my field, and I will cultivate the high verbal and conceptual abilities required to teach it. I will give and take judiciously, observe my students carefully, monitor their progress, their strengths and weaknesses, and contribute to their personal growth.
     I also believe it is important to recognize my students for their accomplishments while encouraging further exploration and setting high academic standards for them. I will be innovative and creative, and flexible enough to try (as well as learn) new things with my students every day. I hope to be a leader as well as a team player with my students. Science is a field where team effort is crucial all scientists collaborate with one another therefore the practice of efficient group work is one that I will always work on improving with my students.

     Teaching young students to think is difficult teaching them to think like scientists is ever more challenging. However, it can be done. With the right experiences, the right attitudes, and an organized, paced determination, students can leave the science classroom feeling loved, feeling like young explorers and young scientists, feeling like they are learning to learn, to inquire, and most importantly to become responsible, hard working members of our society.

Philosophy of Science Education

In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a science and technology culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency.



Reflection Data Logging

Data logger? This is very new thing to me since I ever heard about it but I never make used of it or know what is exactly its function. Fortunately, in this subject, I was asked to conduct an experiment by using this data logger, thus I may able to know what is the data logger all about. When the instructor demonstrate and introduced how to used and its function, I am so curious and excited to try something new. 

Technically speaking, a data logger is any device that can be used to store data. This includes many data acquisition devices such as plug-in boards or serial communication systems which use a computer as a real time data recording system. However, most instrument manufacturers consider a data logger a stand alone device that can read various types of electrical signals and store the data in internal memory for later download to a computer.

When my group and I conduct the experiment using the data logger, I noticed that there are many benefits when using this data logger. First, the data that are record are more accurate and secondly the data that are record is automatically saved, so that when doing the experiment, I am not worried about the data since it is all automatically saved. From the saved data, we can directly plot the graph, thus this make the work became much more easier.

Besides, another advantage of data loggers is that they can operate independently of a computer, unlike many other types of data acquisition devices. Data loggers are available in various shapes and sizes. The range includes simple economical single channel fixed function loggers to more powerful programmable devices capable of handling hundreds of inputs. 

As the closure, in my point of view I think this data logger gives a lot of beneficial especially when conducting some experiment.

Reflection of Smart School

Dengan lafaz bismillah , saya memulakan tugasan pertama bagi kursus ICT untuk semester 5 di UPSI.Tugasan pertama ini dijalankan secara berkumpulan. Dalam tugasan ini, kami dikendaki menyelesaikan masalah menggunakan Problem Based Learning (PBL). Kami dikendaki menyediakan esei tentang isu dan cabaran untuk menaik taraf ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Malaysia.

          Membuat tugasan secara berkumpulan merupakan satu teknik pembelajaran yang baik  ini kerana kami dapat berbincang dan menyuarakan setiap idea dan menjadikan idea-idea kami menjadi bernas dan mantap. Ahli kumpulan kami semuanya terdiri daripada perempuan iaitu Nur Izyan Razali, Noor Azirah bt Mohd Arif dan saya sendiri Nurul Ezzati bt Abu Hasan .Ini memberi kelebihan kepada kumpulan kami kerana dapat berbincang di mana sahaja tidak kira masa dan tempat. Kebiasaannya kami berbincang di rumah sewa kami kerana dua orang antara kami tinggal di rumah sewa dan seorang tinggal di kolej KUO baru. Walaupun terdapat sedikit masalah yang timbul iaitu faktor masa tetapi kami dapat menyelesaikan dengan membahagi tugasan masing-masing untuk mencari bahan sebelum membuat perbincangan seterusnya.

          Walau bagaimanapun, masalah yang paling sukar bagi kami bertiga ialah kami tidak memahami bagaimana untuk menyelesaikan masalah melalui Problem Based Learning kerana dua daripada kami ialah pelajar minor fizik dan kami kurang didedahkan mengenai PBL. Alhamdulillah, seorang daripada kami iaitu Nur Izyan Razali merupakan pelajar minor Biologi dan beliau telah didedahkan beberapa kali mengenai PBL dalam menyelesaikan masalah untuk subjek minor beliau.  Perkara yang mesti ada untuk melaksanakan PBL ialah table FILA chart di mana:-

I =idea
L=learning idea
A= action

          Selepas memahami apa yang di maksudkan dengan PBL, kami dapat melaksanakan tugasan dengan lancar serta perbentangan yang dilakukan selepas menghantar esei sebanyak tiga muka surat dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Daripada tugasan ini,kami mendapat banyak maklumat baru mengenai Problem Based Learning. Jika sebelum ini,kami tidak begitu terdedah dengan penyelaian sebegitu dan kami juga kurang mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan serata isu-isu dan cabaran untuk menaik taraf ICT dalam proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran di sekolah.

          Saya berharap dengan usaha kami semua dapat memuaskan hati pensyarah kami, En. Azmi dan berharap dapat mencapai target markah yang diinginkan.

Refleksi integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian Schools

          Dengan lafaz bismillah , saya memulakan tugasan pertama bagi kursus ICT untuk semester 5 di UPSI.Tugasan pertama ini dijalankan secara berkumpulan. Dalam tugasan ini, kami dikendaki menyelesaikan masalah menggunakan Problem Based Learning (PBL). Kami dikendaki menyediakan esei tentang isu dan cabaran untuk menaik taraf ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Malaysia.

          Membuat tugasan secara berkumpulan merupakan satu teknik pembelajaran yang baik  ini kerana kami dapat berbincang dan menyuarakan setiap idea dan menjadikan idea-idea kami menjadi bernas dan mantap. Ahli kumpulan kami semuanya terdiri daripada perempuan iaitu Nur Izyan Razali, Noor Azirah bt Mohd Arif dan sya sendiri Nurul Ezzati bt Abu Hasan .Ini memberi kelebihan kepada kumpulan kami kerana dapat berbincang di mana sahaja tidak kira masa dan tempat. Kebiasaannya kami berbincang di rumah sewa kami kerana dua orang antara kami tinggal di rumah sewa dan seorang tinggal di kolej KUO baru. Walaupun terdapat sedikit masalah yang timbul iaitu faktor masa tetapi kami dapat menyelesaikan dengan membahagi tugasan masing-masing untuk mencari bahan sebelum membuat perbincangan seterusnya.

          Walau bagaimanapun, masalah yang paling sukar bagi kami bertiga ialah kami tidak memahami bagaimana untuk menyelesaikan masalah melalui Problem Based Learning kerana dua daripada kami ialah pelajar minor fizik dan kami kurang didedahkan mengenai PBL. Alhamdulillah, seorang daripada kami iaitu Nur Izyan Razali merupakan pelajar minor Biologi dan beliau telah didedahkan beberapa kali mengenai PBL dalam menyelesaikan masalah untuk subjek minor beliau.  Perkara yang mesti ada untuk melaksanakan PBL ialah table FILA chart di mana:-

L=learning idea
A= action

          Selepas memahami apa yang di maksudkan dengan PBL, kami dapat melaksanakan tugasan dengan lancar serta perbentangan yang dilakukan selepas menghantar esei sebanyak tiga muka surat dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Daripada tugasan ini,kami mendapat banyak maklumat baru mengenai Problem Based Learning. Jika sebelum ini,kami tidak begitu terdedah dengan penyelaian sebegitu dan kami juga kurang mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan serata isu-isu dan cabaran untuk menaik taraf ICT dalam proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran di sekolah.

          Saya berharap dengan usaha kami semua dapat memuaskan hati pensyarah kami, En. Azmi dan berharap dapat mencapai target markah yang diinginkan.

Editing using PAINT

Data Logging

Smart School

Assignment 2 (Group)

In 1996, Malaysia identified ICT as one of the key foundation for its projected transition from a production based economy to a knowledge based economy by 2020. The Smart Schools initiative is one of the flagship applications that are part of Malaysia's MSC projected. As a senior officer from the Ministry of Education, prepare a presentation to a group of science teachers from Indonesia whoa are interested to know about Smart School initiatives, focusing on the teaching and learning component and the use of technology.

PBL (The issues and challenges in intergrating ICT)

Assignment 1 (Group)

Content Analysis PBL ICT application have become an important part of teaching and learning. The Ministry of Education has invested a huge effort in terms of funding and training to equip teachers and students with ICT skills. In your opinion, what are the issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian School.

Sunday, 11 November 2012


........welcome to my blog.....
my name is NURUL EZZATI BINTI ABU HASAN the owner of this blog..
I have created this e-portfolio for my ICT class.
Blogging allows me to engage in intelligent,constructive conversation with everyone that i like to put under the spotlight.Having this portfolio provides a place where I can display useful information I get from my entire life.My goal is to give you a piece of my mind and I hope you will all give me a piece of yours.
Thank you for visiting..